Resep: Appetizing Hotteok (pancake korea)

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Hotteok (pancake korea). Korean sweet pancakes (Hotteok) are one of the most popular Korean street snacks. They are particularly popular in winter. Before we get to the recipe, a short history lesson on Hotteok.

Hotteok (pancake korea) The dough is allowed to rise for several hours. Hotteok is a popular Korean street snack! You can make hotteok at home with a few basic ingredients! Kamu dapat membuat Hotteok (pancake korea) menggunakan 7 bahan dan 5 langkah. Berikut cara membuat nya.

Bahan-bahan Hotteok (pancake korea)

  1. Siapkan 175 gr tepung terigu.
  2. Kamu membutuhkan 150 air hangat.
  3. Siapkan secukupnya garam.
  4. Siapkan 2 sdm gula pasir.
  5. Kamu membutuhkan 1 sdt ragi instan.
  6. Siapkan 2 sdm minyak goreng.
  7. Siapkan Bahan isian : meses.

Called the hotteok, this Korean sweet pancake is a popular street food in South Korea. It's a fried, yeast-puffed pancake that is commonly sweet but there are different kinds that are stuffed with savory. Hotteok is a Korean pancake and popular street food that can be made with a variety of fillings. This filling includes brown sugar, cinnamon, and crushed pistachios - but you can try Nutella, vanilla.

Hotteok (pancake korea) Instruksi

  1. Campur ragi dan gula dalam air hangat,aduk rata dan tunggu hingga 10 menit sampai berbuih..
  2. Masukkan tepung,garam dan minyak goreng dalam wadah.Uleni sambil dimasukkan campuran air ragi sedikit demi sedikit hingga kalis.Setelah kali simpan dan ditutupi plastik warp.Diamkan selama 1 jam..
  3. Setelah mengembang,kempiskan adonan dan bentuk bulat - bulat.Masukkan meses sebagai isian,kemudian pipihkan.
  4. Siapkan teflon,beri sedikit minyak dan goreng adonan sambil ditekan2 pakai spatula agar bentuknya tetap pipih.Goreng sampai kecoklatan.Sajikan.
  5. Taraaaaaaa....

Brown sugar, cinnamon powder, dry yeast, flour, salt, sugar, turbinado sugar, vegetable oil, walnuts, water. Hotteok is popular Korean street snack and dessert pancakes filled with hot brown sugar syrup. You can easily make them at home and they are so good! This delicious sugar-and-cinnamon filled street food favourite now comes in savoury versions, too. Hotteok is a popular Korean pancake that is usually filled with cinnamon, brown sugar, and nuts Many of them decided to stay in Korea, making Chinese versions of pancakes with savory fillings.