Cara Menyiapkan Sempurna Macarons (Oat)

Enak, Gurih, Sehat dan Mengenyangkan.

Macarons (Oat). Continue beating until the meringue is smooth, glossy, and forms soft peaks. Fold in the almond flour/sugar until everything is evenly combined, then start stirring. In a saucepan over medium heat combine the shortening, milk and white sugar.

Macarons (Oat) Shredded coconut, oats, and cocoa powder are mixed together in a no-bake version of coconut macaroons for a sweet holiday treat. I discovered this Easy Oatmeal Macaroons recipe in my grandmother's recipe box, and right away I knew it was a recipe worth sharing. They are super-simple to make, only have a few ingredients, and most of the sweetness comes from dried fruit. Kamu dapat memasak Macarons (Oat) menggunakan 4 bahan dan 3 langkah. Berikut cara memasak nya.

Bahan-bahan Macarons (Oat)

  1. Siapkan putih telur (dari 1 telur).
  2. Siapkan gula pasir.
  3. Siapkan oat Quaker (biru).
  4. Kamu membutuhkan gula icing.

Macarons have been around for some time and were said to have originated in Italy, but the Macaron that you would seem to want to make are French in origin and have been credited to a patissier in Paris-Ladurée. Almonds were/are a central ingredient in the recipe, so French Fries is right there. Artisan bakery creating hand crafted specialty treats for every occasion. Blending traditional pastry techniques with bold modern flavors in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Macarons (Oat) Tata cara

  1. Siapkan panci berisi air, panaskan. Tuang putih telur dan gula kedlm wadah stainless steel. Tim di atas panci berisi air. Sambil diaduk cepat dengan whisk. Sesekali angkat stainless sambil terus diaduk. Lalu taruh lagi di atas panci. Lakukan berulang hingga warna agak putih dan kental. Lalu angkat. Lanjutkan dgn mixer Putih telur hingga soft peak (berbentuk jambul ketika mixer di angkat). Beri pewarna saat masih berupa meringue..
  2. Siapkan sebelumnya tepung oat halus. Yg didapat dari hasil blender oat dengan gula icing hingga 3x blender dan 2-3x saring. Adonan putih telur dan gula yg sudah jd soft peak, dicampur dgn 3 tahap ke tepung. Gunakan teknik aduk balik hingga tercampur rata. Masukkan ke dalam piping bag. Semprotkan ke atas loyang dgn ukuran bulat2. Kertas roti sblmnya diberi gambar lingkaran. Dibalik, lalu dioles tipis margarin. Keringkan sekitar 30 menit hingga permukaan tidak menempel ketika disentuh.
  3. Panaskan oven di suhu 130° C api atas bawah. Panggang macaron 15-20 menit. Bila berhasil, kaki macaron akan terbentuk di menit ke 5. Setelah matang, dinginkan. Lalu lepaskan macaron dr kertas roti. Gabungkan 2 macaron dgn filling (buttercream, Selai atau ganache)..

Line a baking sheet with a silicone baking mat or parchment paper. Good night, I am so almighty sick of hearing people whimper at the altar of the macaron cult. You will fail if you try to make them. You have to age your egg whites, and they can not be cold, not even a bit. These rose and chocolate French Macarons are made without the traditional almond flour.